Sunday, November 15, 2015

Commentary on Bluebonnet Politicseditorial published in Stage Five

 Personally, I think there is no point to increase funding toward improving bus stops if there are not many people who are actually using them. Also, I do not think Austin’s public transportation is that bad. I lived in Los Angeles and New York, and even though I had a car, I used public transportation in all three cities when I think it was more convenient. 

 I actually prefer to use Austin’s public transportation. It is true that we have just a few seats at the bus stops, but I think that is better than we have plenty of places to seat which cannot be controlled, full of trash or homeless people, just like other big cities. Moreover, if you only use public transportation, you would check arrival times on the Metro app. To do so, you do not need to wait for a long time. They do not arrive always on time, but they do not ridiculously late as well.

 Thus, I think the government should increase funding towards something else, not improving bus stops unless the majority of people in Austin are dependent on public transportation. 

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